the believer’s New Year’s Resolution:

”And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”   
1 Corinthians 1:30

I am currently rereading a book entitled, “Abide In Christ” written by Andrew Murray.  The book is clearly based off the parable in John 15 where Jesus illustrates His spiritual union with the believer in terms of a vine providing constant life for the branches it supports (believers).  There is not a more important lesson for the Christian man or woman.  Indeed our failures and spiritual impotence can be traced back to our falling short of grasping and fully embracing the import of Christ’s teaching.  Jesus’ statement, “Without Me, you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5) is meant to be taking quite literally.
The fruitfulness of the Christian—character transformation and ministry effectiveness— is wholly dependent upon the moment by moment appropriation of Christ as God’s solution and provision in every circumstance.  As we come face to face with a brand new year, may we learn more perfectly to look to Christ as…

  • Our Wisdom – Through Whom “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden”. (Murray).  We need not look beyond Him for guidance and understanding in any circumstance we find ourselves this year.
  • Our Righteousness–  Though hardships and difficulties and disappointments are sure to come, the soul that is reminded of this wonderful truth: Through faith in Christ, I have peace with God, will never be disturbed.  He will in every moment know the peace of God having come into position of peace with God.  
  • Our Sanctification– True believers are made aware of our weakness daily.  Yet, oh the eternal bliss in knowing that not only has the righteousness of Christ been transferred to my account, but His holiness!  Therefore, I need not strive in my strength (which is never enough), but simply abide in the Heavenly Vine who imputes His very own holiness to my soul.
  • Our Redemption – Herein lies the source of your unshakable confidence and pure joy.  Your full redemption is waiting!  Listen once again to Murray as he explains the text for our benefit:  “Here we have the top of the ladder, reaching into Heaven—the blessed end to which Christ and life in Him is to lead.  [Redemption] refers to our complete and final deliverance from all its consequences when the Redeemer’s work will become fully manifest, even to the redemption of the body itself (Rom. 8:21-23)”.   
Oh beloved Christian, please believe what an amazing and inexhaustible blessing we have in Christ, the heavenly Vine.  Hear Him saying to you this moment, “Just simply abide in Me.  I AM your wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption”.
He is…and always will be all you will ever need and want.

Abiding In HIm,

Pastor Mark