I knew exactly what I needed to do.

One of my classmates was in serious trouble for something I knew deep down in my heart he did not do.  I was standing only a few feet away from the principal’s office, but it felt as if I stood on the other side of a deep ravine.  Through the freshly cleaned glass doors I could see him with his head bowed in shame, enduring the reprimand of someone who in a real sense held his life in his hands.

“I should go in.” 

But what if the real culprit learned of my meddling?  What if I’m contained and kept from doing some fun thing I’d much rather be doing?  What if…?
I knew what I should do.  But for some strange reason, it seemed so hard to just… do it.

Chances are, we all have had a similar experience.  Chances are we have all come to that moment of decision—that proverbial fork in the road where we can either do the good we know to do and risk something valuable to us, or simply do nothing and continue on our way.  Certainly, the easier path is the one most traveled.  While the road of personal sacrifice and suffering is a lonely and deserted one.

So desperately needed in our day are men and women of courage.  Normal, everyday folk, who act on the behalf of others out of a deep conviction of the soul and from a biblical sense of righteousness.  And should divine providence require the greatest cost while in the midst of the struggle, may their names become an everlasting monument of supreme love and courage.

Happy Birthday MLK

“Shattered, but I’m not broken
Wounded, but time will heal
Heavy the load, the cross I bear
Lonely the road I trod, I dare
Shaken, but here I stand
Weary, Still I press on
Long are the nights, the tears I cry
Dark are the days, no sun in the sky, yes
Yet still I rise”

In Him,

Pastor Mark